대부분 ‘고티(Goaty)’ 라고 발음할텐데 이건 영어의 발음방식으로 봤을 때 ‘Fish’ 로 발음 할 수도 있다.
그게 왜인지 알아 보자면.. 다음과 같다.
If you’re wondering why it’s pronounced the way it is, here is a breakdown: The “gh” is pronounced as the “f” sound in “rough.” The “o” is pronounced as the “i” sound in “women.” The “ti” is pronounced as the “sh” sound in “action.” You put it together, and it forms “fish.”
It was thought up by William Ollier Jr, born in 1824. Often, ghoti is cited to support English spelling reform, and usually misattributed to George Bernard Shaw. There is a second way of pronouncing “ghoti” that uses the same method to a different effect.